Papaya popsicles

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Recipe collaboration with From My Little Kitchen
Makes 15


½ papaya, peeled, deseeded and diced

2 cups vanilla Greek yoghurt

1 cup thickened cream

1 tsp vanilla bean paste

1 tbs maple syrup

White chocolate and toasted coconut to top


Place papaya and maple syrup into a food processor and blitz until smooth. Pour into a bowl.

Then place yoghurt, cream and vanilla into the food processor – no need to wash the bowl. Pulse until smooth and combined. Then place a spoonful of papaya puree into icy pole moulds followed by a spoonful of yoghurt cream. Repeat this until the moulds are just below the top. Insert a paddle pop stick and freeze overnight.

To remove the popsicles once frozen, let them sit out on a board for 5 minutes then gently pull them from the moulds.

Keep any leftover mixture in the fridge then refill your moulds once the batch is frozen.

Drizzle the popsicles one at a time with melted white chocolate, quickly sprinkling with toasted coconut so it sticks before the chocolate sets.

Keep in the freezer or enjoy right away.