Papaya lime slice

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Papaya lime slice

Recipe collaboration with Rainbow Nourishments


1/3 cup pitted dates

2/3 cup roasted or raw almonds, or any other nut/seed

Pinch of any good-quality salt


1 cup raw cashews

1/2 cup thick plant-based yoghurt, such as coconut, soy or almond

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

1/4 cup rice malt syrup or maple syrup, to taste

2-3 limes, zest and juice, to taste

1/2 cup diced papaya, cut in 1cm cubes


1/4 papaya, peeled and seeded


1.       Soak the dates (for the base) and cashews (for the filling) in water in separate bowls. Cover and set aside for at least 4 hours.

2.       To make the base: Add the almonds to a food processor and process until it forms coarse crumbs. Drain the dates and add them to the food processor and process until everything is combined. Firmly press the base mixture into the bottom of a 20cm lined loaf tin to form a crust. Set aside.

3.       To make the filling: Add all ingredients except the papaya to a blender and blend until combined. Pour the filling on top of the base. Scatter the cubed papaya over the filling and gently press them into the surface. Cover and set aside the mixture in the fridge for at least 6 hours.

4.       Top the set slice with fresh papaya. Cut with a sharp knife and enjoy!