Ruby Rise Red Papaya Chia Oat Breakfast Parfaits

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Recipe courtesy of Healthy Eating Jo

Oat Layer Ingredients

  • 1 cup oats

  • 1 cup almond milk unsweetened (or milk of choice)

  • Natural sweetener to taste

  • ½ cup water


  • Mix well. Allow to soak for 30 mins or overnight

  • Add more liquid as required, when ready to serve

Papaya Layer Ingredients

  • ½ papaya, seeds removed


  • Chop up the papaya to the desired size

Papaya Chia Layer Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup chia seeds

  • 2 Tbsp papaya pulp mashed

  • 1 cup yoghurt (e.g coconut, almond, soy)

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract (optional)

  • Natural sweetener to taste (white granulated stevia, xylitol, coconut sugar, maple syrup)

  • ½ cup water (as required)


  • Mix all ingredients in a jar and place in the fridge for 30 mins or overnight to swell. Add additional liquid as required prior to serving

To finish

  • Layer compote in desired pattern

  • Sprinkle with muesli, nuts or seeds to serve if desired