Papaya sticky rice parfait

Papaya sticky rice parfait

Papaya sticky rice parfait

Recipe collaboration with Rainbow Nourishments


1 ½ cup canned coconut milk

½ cup glutinous black rice, uncooked

3 tablespoons maple syrup or coconut sugar, to taste

½ Ruby Rise red papaya

¼ cup pomegranate arils

1 cup coconut yoghurt


Add coconut milk and black rice to a small saucepan over high heat. Boil for 10 minutes and reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes or until the rice is tender and sticky. Add sweetener to taste.
Remove the seeds from the papaya and cut off the skin. Slice the papaya into cubes. You can also use a peeler to slice the papaya into thin strips or a melon baller to form balls out of the papaya.
Arrange the sticky rice, papaya, pomegranate and yoghurt into 2 jars as desired. Enjoy immediately.