Papaya Jelly Cheesecake

Recipe collaboration with Hazel_and_cocao


1 cup almonds

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1 1/2 cups pitted dates


1 1/2 cups raw cashews (soaked for 4-5 hours or 15 mins in boiling water)

200g coconut cream from a can

3 TBSP maple syrup

1 TBSP coconut oil

juice 1/2 lemon

Papaya Jelly:

1 ruby rise papaya (skin and seeds removed) - Available at Coles Supermarkets

1 cup water

2 TBSP maple syrup

2 TBSP agar powder


For the base, blitz ingredients in a food processor until sticky. Press down evenly onto the base of a silicon muffin tray. You can use regular muffin tin but make sure it is lined for easy removal.

For the filling blend all filling ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour out evenly over the base and set in the freezer to set for about 30 mins while you prepare the jelly.

For the jelly blend all ingredients except agar in a blender. Pour into a saucepan and mix in agar powder. Bring mixture to a boil on medium heat while whisking continuously. Once the mixture has started boiling, continue to boil and whisk for about 2 minutes. This will make the mixture thick. Once thick, remove from heat and spoon out over cheesecake fillings and set in the freezer for about 2 hours. Allow to defrost slightly before serving.